I have heard many people said, "I want to follow what my spirit tells me", "I had to follow my spirit", "I followed my spirit". Even me in particular, many times I engaged in this immature way of walking with God.   Verily verily, I say unto you that, Large percentage of the present generation of Christian believers actually believe in following one's spirit to serve God. 

The strong truth is, God does not want you to follow your spirit's leading to serve Him! Following your spirit to serve the Lord attracts divine anger. 

It is written:Thus says the Lord GOD: "Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! (Ezekiel 13:3). 

 God is simply telling us that it is dangerous to follow our own spirits when we have not seen any vision! WE NEED TO SEE BEFORE WE FOLLOW. *I have come work on the  truth which says, success attracts followership.* _A blind man can not follow you perfectly in the path you are taking, because he can not see anything!_ 

The human spirit is blind without the light of God. It is the light of God that releases the human spirit from the cage of blindness. 

When the light brightens your spirit up, you will have the clear direction of what to do and the right path to follow to do what pleases the living God. 

When the light of God brightens up your spirit, then we can say that Jesus is at work in your life. Therefore, it is derived that Jesus is the light of God who we need to brighten up our spirits that have become blind by sin. 

Some might say, "but when I followed my spirit, I got the result I wanted". Beloveth, not all the leadings you get from your spirit can be perfect directions. There are some directions we get from our spirits that have led us into disappointments. And you felt like, 'but I followed my spirit'!

The point is, your spirit is not as perfect as the Holy Spirit. Although the human spirit is the part of the human spiritual anatomy that is very close to God- (our Maker) yet, if an iniquity (small or big) is found in your life, your spirit will not be in the perfect state to lead you or direct you perfectly. This is how the confusion was created. And because God does not want us to be doing trying and error in our walk with Him, He made the HolyGhost baptism available for everyone who have surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. 

Therefore, if you are yet to receive the baptism of the HolySpirit, you need to first of all, acknowledge that your ways are not perfect and upright before God as God commended the perfect and upright life of Job (Job 1:8). 

Then confess your sins to God, ask Him to forgive your sins. 

Then believe and accept that Jesus Christ died for your sins and resurrected for your justification.

 Thenafter, you need to ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and personal saviour and invite Him to come and rule your life and surrender your totality unto Him. 

Now, if you are just surrendering your life to Jesus Christ or you are rededicating your life to Him, take the strong decision to turn away from your regular and irregular sins forever and remain committed to following the leadings and directions of the HolyGhost for the rest of your life. Amen.


BIBLE REFERENCE- Isa.45.8 - Open up, O heavens, and pour out your righteousness. Let the earth open wide so salvation and righteousness can sprout up together. I, the LORD, created them.


Blessed be the Lord God for empowering us to handle the trials that befell us

Now, we have become liberated from the captivity and our family members have gained the mindset of true unity. 

Christ redeemed our lives with the price of His blood. And caused the retaliation of the wicked to return upon their own heads. God rebuked the intrusion of our adversaries. 

Thine hands have raised us up. You made our foes to prepare their evil and battle in vain. You judged the wickedness of the wicked. 

You caused the mighty evil ones to be brought down before us. You strengthened us in the moments of weaknesses and weariness. 

You have awakened the Body of Christ from her sleep. 

You made our foes to stop harvesting our blessings because their intentions were evil everyday. 

You prevented our glory from falling into darkness. And You have not let our Stars to diminish its brightness. 

You shook the strength of our adversaries out of place. That both aliens and those who are close to us might know that You are the Lord. The influence of Your presence with us has been very powerful to lock away every contrary power. 

Now You have poured Your new goodness upon us and have opened the fountain of eternal life in us. Now our lives shall always be meaningful in truth, holiness and uprightness. 

We will be forever grateful for redeeming us from the curse by Your suffering and death on the cross of Calvary. We will be always Grateful for destroying the power of sin by The blood. Amen . 


1. Thank God for the opportunity to be saved that is still open now;

2. Thank God because salvation of soul has not become expired and invalid in your life;

3. Thank God for making you His own child through the death and blood of Jesus Christ;

4. Thank God for transforming your mindset to become born again;

5. Thank God for making the light to reign in your life;

6. Thank God for not permitting the devil to make you become a bastard spiritual child of God;

7. Thank God for uniting you and the Christian brethren by the blood of the Lamb;

8. Thank God for giving you eternal life in Christ;

9. Thank God for opening the good doors for you;

10. Thank God for breaking every evil chain work made against your life;

11. Thank God for empowering you to rise higher;

12. Thank God for making you one of the pillars of your family;

13. Thank the y for paying the greatest price for your sins;

14. Thank the Lord for washing and taking away all your sins;

15. Thank the Lord for defeating death and hell;

16. Thank the Lord providing justification and sanctification for you;

17. Thank the Lord for removing the barrier between you and God;

18. Thank the Lord for showing you the right path to make heaven. Amen. 

Salvation Prayers

Lay your right hand on your chest and Say the following prayers as the mercy, grace and favour of God leads you into the salvation of your soul: 

Dear God my Creator, I admit that I have sinned against you and fallen short of your glory. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and resurrected on the third day. I believe that Jesus is the Saviour. I believe that He is the Christ and that Jesus Christ is Your Son, Oh God. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed and cleanse my life with the blood of Jesus. 

I now accept Jesus Christ to be my everlasting Lord and Saviour; Lord Jesus Christ, come into my life, occupy my soul, my body and my spirit, take full control of my life, I am surrendering everything to you today.  LORD, write my name in the book of Life, bless me with the HolyGhost and with the fire of Christ, make me useful for Your kingdom in all aspects of life, make me and everyone around me good disciples of Christ throughout our lifetime, keep me standing upright and strong by Your power as I become established and built upon the solid Rock of Ages forever, in Jesus' matchless name I have prayed. Amen. 

CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE NOW BORN-AGAIN. Welcome to the Family and Kingdom of Light. 

Use the daily Gratefulness prayers found in the blog to appreciate God from day to day for the rest of your life. You will find some sections at the left hand side of this blog, that reveal the perfect will of God concerning your walk with God. They are the divine standard for true Christianity and the keys to make Christians prosper in the world and to make heaven.

Fight the good fight for what we believe. Hold tightly to the eternal life that God has given you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses. And I command you before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate, that you obey his commands with all purity. Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. (1 Timothy 6:12-14)
