Bible Reference: Exod.12.14 - "You must remember this day forever. Each year you will celebrate it as a special festival to the LORD.

 A man wanted to be a husband, he eventually became a husband and a father. A man wanted to be a father, he became a father and a Grandpa. A man wanted to be a Grandpa, he eventually became both a Grandpa and a great grand father.

Men can desire to become something, men can aspire to achieve great status, but it is God the Father of All who makes what we desire and aspire to come to pass.

In lack, a father cares. In difficulty, a father helps. In demotion, a father considers. In joblessness, a father still cares. In battle, a father shows up as a captain of the family. In shame and reproach, a father does not deny his own nuclear family. In riches, prosperity and in plenty, a father advises and guides aright. When there is conflict in the family, a father counsels. When external influence is negatively affecting the family, the father stands up to remove the tares from the wheat. Fathers provide for the family. Fathers make sure the family is under shelter. Father protects his family. Fathers do not talk anyhow. Fathers engage in action instead of mere words. Fathers are goal getters. Fathers challenge mountains. Fathers are warriors! Fathers are not bitter and hateful to the mothers. Fathers are interesting to their children. It's great to be a good father. 

If a man lacks or if he is behind in one of the aforementioned wonderful qualities and characteristics of fathers, he is yet to become a real father. There are fathers who are honourable to be called fathers. I am very much happy that my own father is worthy to be called a honourable and prestigious father. 

Women, children, boys, girls and youths, applaud fathers. Celebrate men who are called fathers! 

Celebrate your father and celebrate fathers regularly. 

This date will always be special for celebrating my dad. 

This year marks the 50th year of his walk with the Lord. He was a Student pastor in 1973, and became a Pulpit pastor in 1975 in Gospel Faith Mission. Blessed memories of his sincere  faithfulness and service as an ordained Pastor at Christ Witness Mission. Glory to God for the grace to make a remarkable impact on men and women as the founder  of Christian Revival Evangelical Mission. The Lord has used him to raise fervent, faithful and committed workers, ministers and pastors in God's vineyard. Some of the ministers he trained have become functioning General Overseers of their own Ministries today. Indeed, God's investment in my father has not been in vain! 

His friends see him as a strong one. It is difficult to conquer him that God backs up. Wherever he is, he makes efforts to ensure real peace based on Christ's standard. He believes in sincere unity and reliance on the Almighty God for progress. Highly intelligent! He respects and submits to the perfect  will of God in all he does. And words of God dwell richly in him. 

Through my father I came into this world. Through him I gained sound moral values and principles that couldn't have been gotten from anyone else. Through him my life was founded on the solid truth of God's word. My father has set down a real life legacy for me and my descendants. God programmed it perfectly in a way that no one else should become my blood father. He is a father to me in all things. "I thank God because my dad is better than his father" (we his children are living witnesses).

My father, you have done what plenty fathers have  not  done  for me. Thank you Papa for everything you have done for me and for us. 

May you live to reach 120 years old in joy, prosperity and in total peace, in Jesus'name. Amen. 

Happy 70th Birthday to you daddy!


1. Thank God for encouraging the hearts of your family members;

2. Thank the HolySpirit for making the hearts of my family members to become know together in the love of Christ;

3. Thank the Lord for bless your family with His riches;

4. Thank God for making sin powerless in your family;

5. Thank God for solving every conflict in your family;

6. Thank God for comforting your family;

7. Thank God for opening your sight to know and identify your glory and your joy;

8. Thank God for empowering your mind to stand firm and strong on God's standard;

9. Thank the Lord for transforming your mindset to stop believing lies;

10. Thank the Lord for transforming your mindset to lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and reverence;

11. Thank God for the grace He has given you to learn in polite and humble manner. 

12. Ask God what you want (2Chronicles 1:6-7). Don't ask amiss (James 4:3). Let your request and prayer please God (2Chronicles 1:11-12)



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