Bible Reference- Deut.7.6 - For you are a holy people, who belong to the LORD your God. Of all the people on earth, the LORD your God has chosen you to be His own special treasure.

Song: We are the chosen generation, called forth to show His excellence -All I require for life God has given me. I know who I am ......


Although we were rejected by men yet, God has chosen us and made us precious to Him. 

We were not a people devoted to Him but we are now the people of God. We did not obtain mercy but now have obtained the mercy of the living God. 

He has built us up to become a spiritual house and a holy priesthood. 

The Lord has called us His Elect. 

And we have not been put to shame because we believe on Him. 

We shall not stumble. We refuse to be disobedient to the word of the Lord. 

Blessed be the Lord who has made us a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and His own special people and treasure. 

We will proclaim the praise of God who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. 

Glory be to God forever. Amen. 


1. Thank God for offering you the grace to come to Him;

2. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to have your conduct honourable among all people;

3. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to be a good example of Christian by good works and by polite character and good attitude;

4. Thank the Lord for delivering you from the chains, yokes and bondages of darkness;

5. Thank the Lord for washing away every blemish and sinful spot in your spiritual life by His blood; 

6. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to stop going back to your usual and unusual sins;

7. Thank God for changing your heart to know and keep the instructions of the Lord;

8. Thank God for empowering you to overcome the wicked one;

9. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your life to know the Heavenly Father;

10. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to accept that Jesus is the Christ;

11. Thank the HolySpirit for restoring your first love to Christ;

12. Thank the HolySpirit for the grace He gave you to refuse to deny the holy faith;

13. Thank the HolySpirit for strengthening you to hold on to Jesus Christ;

14. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to repent of your wrong, sinful and illegal deeds. 

15. Ask God what you want (2Chronicles 1:6-7). Don't ask amiss (James 4:3). Let your request and prayer please God (2Chronicles 1:11-12)

No portion of this article and write-up may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted into any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photo copy, recording or any other to make money without the prior written permission of the Author - Emmanuel Ayodeji Omotosho. 


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