Daily Gratefulness On April 6th (Series 1)

BIBLE REFERENCE- Deut.18.17 - "Then the LORD said to me, `Fine, I will do as they have requested.


Blessed be the Lord who has opened our eyes to break every agreement with idolatry. 

We trespassed against the perfect will of the Lord in the time of grace. But God made sure He fulfilled what He wanted to use us to do. 

The Heavenly Father dealt with everything that He did not want in our lives till everything in us began to love the Lord easily. 

We received the grace to make an acceptable and unique offering to God which really pleased the Lord who lifted us up.

When we were transgressors, the love of God to us gently rebuked our transgressions. He made His light to correct our ignorance. 

These miracles in our lives are really special and wonderful. 

The Lord transformed our mindset to understand and know the service unto God. And His Spirit guided us as we served Him. 

The carefulness to rightly obey the perfect will of God has opened up the operations of wisdom and understanding to please God in all we do.  And doing that was not by our own strength. 

God laid a divine foundation for my family to put my descendants through in the way He wants us to follow Him.

 He empowered the weaker vessels to guide the warriors and the people of valour. For by strength no man shall prevail over the matters which are spiritual. 

Dear God, You opened the gates of redemption to us and the heavens of joy have not been shut nor closed against us. 

You caused our foes to know that they can no longer defeat us. For You have established us on Christ the Solid and Eternal Rock!

You saved us from the strategy of our adversaries and delivered our lives from the weapons of the wicked. 

Thank You for blessing us with a company of good administration.

You have caused us to understand Your wonders. You established fruitfulness in our lives. Barrenness has no place to stay or visit in our families. 

God has empowered us to build good success. 

And all wicked accusations against us have been nullified by the blood of Jesus. 

The Lord blessed us with the right mind to work and led our steps to find and meet the right people. 

Dear Lord our God, the respect we have for You and to You is our sincere delight and we refuse to cast away our integrity. 

Many said, 'who will show them any good?' But You have lifted up the light of Your countenance upon us and shone the light of Your help to us. 

We would not forsake You, for You have preserved and kept us safe. We desire to abide by Your principles because such is right for us to do as You grant our requests. Amen. 


1. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to acknowledge the goodness and mercies of God to you;

2. Thank God for the good dreams you have had;

3. Thank God for fulfilling the good dreams you have had;

4. Thank God for empowering you with wisdom;

5. Thank God for renewing the presence of Christ your life, in Jesus'name. Amen. 

6. Ask God what you want (2Chronicles 1:6-7). Don't ask amiss (James 4:3). Let your request and prayer please God (2Chronicles 1:11-12)

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