Daily Gratefulness on April 12th (Series 1)

BIBLE REFERENCE- Zeph.3.15 - For the LORD will remove his hand of judgment and will disperse the armies of your enemy. And the LORD himself, the King of Israel, will live among you! At last your troubles will be over, and you will fear disaster no more.


Blessed be the Lord God of heaven and Earth who has restored the regular supply of goodness and blessings into our lives.

God has restored our finances and blessed our means of financial income. He has restarted the supply of good comfort in our lives. He rebuked the loss of dignity and loss of honour that befell us. 

We are no more the victims of oppression. And our children have been delivered and liberated from insolence. 

You have reversed the evil that turned our lives opposite to divine plans meant for us. And the protest of the adversaries have been paralysed.

You cured our ailments. And provided food and clothing for us. We therefore refuse to force the problems that greed and covetousness can bring. 

We stumbled and fell. But You took us up. All the unpleasant sentences against our God have been silenced. 

We refuse to bring curse upon our souls. We would not subscribe to sodomy. 

It shall be well with you, O righteous! For you will eat the fruit of your doings. 

But except the wicked repents, healing is far from him. 

Oppression, craftiness and errors will not rule over us anymore. 

The stench has been replaced with sweet smell. The rope has been replaced with a sash. Well-set hair replaces baldness. We now have a rich robe instead of a girding of sackcloth. And our beauty is no more turned to branding.

The evil decree against our victory has been reversed. And we lament no more. 

All gratitude to the Unchangeable God! 


1. Thank the Lord for liberating you from oppression;

2. Thank God for changing the heart of the leaders who caused you to err;

3. Thank God for changing the heart of the leaders who destroyed the way of your good paths;

4. Thank God for releasing your showers of blessings that was withheld;

5. Thank God for releasing the good latter rain of blessings upon you;

6. Thank God for the privilege to turn away from backsliding ways;

7. Thank God for being merciful to you;

8. Thank God for wiping away your tears;

9. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to stop perverting your ways;

10. Thank the HolySpirit for transforming your mindset to stop forgetting the Lord your God, in Jesus'name. Amen. 

11. Ask God what you want (2Chronicles 1:6-7). Don't ask amiss (James 4:3). Let your request and prayer please God (2Chronicles 1:11-12)
