Greetings to you in the name of love. 

After reading few chapters of the Bible early this morning, I was moved to share this illumination with someone. But I don't know the person I should share it with. To be honest, I have been disobedient to instructions like this many times in the past. And I don't want to be making the HolySpirit indignant to me again. This is why I am making this public: 


1. Evil thoughts

2. Sexual Immorality

3. Thefts

4. Murder

5. Adultery

6. Greed

7. Wickedness

8. Deceit

9. Eagerness for lusful pleasure

10. Envy

11. Slander

12. Pride

13. Foolishness

Jesus said: "All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you and make you unacceptable to God." (Mark 7:21-23)

The evil thoughts you nurse in your heart against your neighbor, against your fellow worker, against people, will bring divine rejection against you. Repent now! 

Never think that the HolySpirit is present with people who engage in sexual Immorality. The practice of sexual Immorality is an express way to fall away from God's approval. Forsake sexual Immorality with all your determination.

Believers who practice thefts operate under closed heavens. 

Show me a woman or a man who engages in adultery and I will show you someone who is unacceptable to God. 

You insult God's plan for you when you fall into greed. Therefore, God does not approve the greedy. 

You don't shine as a light in the world when you do wickedness. So God rejects the wicked. 

You are embarrassing God when you practice deceit. This makes you unacceptable to Him.

When you become eager for lusful pleasure you become unfit for God's holy use. 

Envious believers are altering the seed of divine power released into their lives. These kind of people are the enemies of themselves. 

When you slander people, you are just expressly reporting yourself to God that you are wicked and that He should suspend the miracles He wants to give you. 

Pride will limit you. Pride is hindering your progress. Pride is seriously opposing the grace of God in your life. If you continue in pride, you will not be fulfilled in life. 

Foolishness is not found in God. Where did you get it from?

One way or the other we have all fallen short of God's standard. We dare not refuse to humble ourselves before our Master and Creator. We must correct and deal with everything that separates us from the love of Christ. If we fail to break away from going back to our old sinful nature, the  expected flow and release of the Pentecostal power and fire of the HolyGhost will remain pending. 

Pray against what can make you unacceptable to God. We have been taught how to pray.

Use the divine grace given to you. 

There shall be divine turn around for us in Jesus'name. Amen.
